There is no greater reward in life than sharing your success with others - and we don’t mean financially. It can be a transformative process to pass on your knowledge to those who can truly benefit from your experiences.

Better Future Together (BFT) is an NGO that works to assist young entrepreneurs in the Middle East by connecting them with experienced and successful businesspersons, fostering strong relationships that benefit both mentor and mentee alike.

You have the opportunity to shape the leaders of tomorrow, while gaining new perspectives and ideas that can only come from seeing the world through another's eyes. Sign up today to be a BFT mentor, and change somebody’s life forever.


BFT has changed the lives of our mentors and our mentees alike - and we have the testimonials to prove it!

From our Mentors

When I started out, I had a fantastic mentor - a former business school professor who took me under his wing, connected me to my first job, and let me bounce ideas off of him for hours. I never forgot his support, and I’ve been proud to pay it forward through BFT

Harris C.

Serving as a mentor has been such a rewarding experience. It’s allowed for self-reflection and has stimulated my creativity anew. It’s also been incredibly fulfilling building a relationship with [my mentee]. Her passion has ignited my passion, and I'm so grateful to be a part of her journey.

Jasmin B.

I think it is critical to be a mentor; I think it is the future of our field. We need to give a hand to new professionals, to fuel new ideas, to generate positive competition, to give a boost and thus a platform to those who might not have one. I can't wait until [my mentee’s] platform goes to market; the world doesn't know what’s coming, and I'm proud to have been a part of it.

Hakeem M.

When I was first getting started, I sought out mentorship anywhere I could. I knew I needed more resources, more guidance, but I didn’t know where to get it. I wish I had a program like BFT to help me along, and was proud to fill the gap that existed for me.

Rasha L.

From our Mentees

BFT changed my life. My relationship with [my mentor] changed my life. He helped me hone my business plan, introduced me to investors, let me review changes with him... I can see a future for my business, for myself, and I was not always able to say that.

Yusuf Z.

My BFT mentor helped me immensely. She was kind and knowledgeable, she encouraged me and motivated me. She nailed the concept of constructive criticism - every comment she gave me was legitimate and right, but it was never said with malice. She's been a great sounding board and a great boost to my confidence, and I’m grateful for her support.

Judi T.

My BFT mentor had such a genuine enthusiasm for business and innovation, and the experience and success to back it up. His guidance gave me the confidence and capability to pursue new avenues of success, and grow my business in ways I would never have previously thought.

Ghasif M.

I have benefited so much from BFT and my time with [my mentor]. She helped me identify my weaknesses, but then find the ways to overcome them. Her perspective added a lot to the way I thought about the direction of my business, and I was inspired by her experience. She understood the challenges I faced, and gave me specific advice about how she overcame similar challenges. I never felt like I was a job to be done with, but rather an important part of her day, and I am forever grateful for that.

Rashida B.
